Our lab has a modern, latest generation X-ray machine which minimizes any potential risk to the animal, as well as to our personnel and owners, from radiation. Radiation levels are monitored in all areas of the clinic by a radiation control meter as approved by the Control Centre of Official Dosimetry.
The X-ray machine is located in the Diagnostic Imaging Room which is specially conditioned for such use.
Radiography is a great tool for the diagnosis of distinct pathologies, principally those affecting the locomotive system such as broken bones and other traumas.
In orthopedic and traumatological surgery X-rays are essential for us in the preparation, approach, monitoring and final result of this type of intervention.
Moreover, X-rays are useful for the exploration of soft tissue (cardiac silhouette, possible tumours in the lungs, liver, kidneys, etc.), the presence of foreign objects as well as hollow organ accretions such as bladder stones.