The technique of ultra sound has permitted the improvement of diagnoses where the efficacy of radiography has been limited.
In fact, diverse veterinary clinics around the country as well as our own clinic make daily use of ultrasound, on-going now for nearly two decades and each time with more success.
Its a very rapid technique, non-invasive, and completely safe for both the animal and the operator.
Its a very effective tool that has helped us to make more confident and accurate diagnoses as it allows us to examine internal organs (spleen, liver, kidneys, etc.), the heart, muscles and tendons, as well as structures that radiography cant deal with well such as the eyes and the thyroid.
Such diagnoses as your dog has kidney problems are more and more being consigned to the past. Because with ultrasound we can specify what ails the animals kidney, if it involves one or both organs, and if the problem has damaged other structures and organs.
Our ultrasound machine is located in the Diagnostic Imaging Room, and is of a very advanced technology. It reveals very clear images which allow us to not only diagnose a problem but to suggest its treatment and prognosis.
Ultrasound is used in the following:
-Pregnancies & Puppy Examinations.
This technology can be very beneficial in observing the pre-birth state of puppies where complications have arisen. How the pups are, how many there are, embryonic sac measurements and so on, said observations allowing us to decide on a natural birth or else a Caesarian. Likewise, ultrasound quickly and routinely can detect the early diagnosis of pregnancy which permits the owner to decide whether it should be terminated or allowed to reach fruition.
Given that ultrasound technology is quite useful in the early detection of a disease, our clinic includes the technology in the routine check-ups of older animals (along with a general examination, ECG, biochemical profiling, blood work and urinary analysis).
Ultrasound is a harmless technology that requires no great patient preparation, only that the animal has not eaten for a period of 8 hours or more, as well as having drunk as much as possible without having urinated (because the more liquid in the animal, the better the organs can be seen).